[Duomo di Torino]
Muu nimi/muut nimet: [Duomo di Torino]
[Turin Cathedral]
Lajityyppi: Documentary film
Vuosi: 1929
Kesto: 00:05:18
Kuvaus: Images of the front facade of the Turin Cathedral and Piazza San Giovanni. The film was shot during the procession in honor of Saint Don Bosco in spring 1929, in presence of religious leaders and institutional representatives. The event gathered over two hundred thousand people. The video is a copy from the film print held by the Museo Nazionale del Cinema: 9,5mm, positive, acetate, 49 m, 5’ at 18 fps, black and white, silent.
Avainsanat: processione in onore del Beato Don Bosco / Duomo di Torino / Piazza San Giovanni / Via XX Settembre / procession in honor of Saint Don Bosco / IMediaCities
Sisältölähde: Museo Nazional del Cinema
Oikeudet: In Copyright
Väri: Black & White
Sound: Without sound
Kokoelma: Museo Nazionale del Cinema Film Collection